I am developing CDIP swell model forecasts to be implemented on a website. This is a work in progress.
date <- as.Date(Sys.time())
date <- as.Date(date) %>%
past_date <- as.Date(date) +3
fut_date <- as.Date(past_date) %>%
url_Hs <- paste0("http://thredds.cdip.ucsd.edu/thredds/ncss/cdip/model/MOP_grids/CA_0.01_forecast.nc?var=waveHs&north=34.75&west=-121&east=-118.4&south=33.55&disableLLSubset=on&disableProjSubset=on&horizStride=1&time_start=", date, "&time_end=", fut_date, "&timeStride=1&addLatLon=true&accept=netcdf")
options(timeout = 10000)
Hs <- download.file(url_Hs, here("wave_data_Hs.nc"))
Hs <- here("wave_data_Hs.nc")
wave_Hs <-brick(Hs)
Hs_data <- as.data.frame(rasterToPoints(wave_Hs)) %>%
pivot_longer(!c(x,y), names_to = "date", values_to = "height")
url_Dp <- paste0("http://thredds.cdip.ucsd.edu/thredds/ncss/cdip/model/MOP_grids/CA_0.01_forecast.nc?var=waveDp&north=34.75&west=-121&east=-118.4&south=33.55&disableLLSubset=on&disableProjSubset=on&horizStride=1&time_start=", date, "&time_end=", fut_date, "&timeStride=1&addLatLon=true&accept=netcdf")
options(timeout = 10000)
Dp <- download.file(url_Dp, here("wave_data_Dp.nc"))
Dp <- here("wave_data_Dp.nc")
wave_Dp <-brick(Dp)
Dp_data <- as.data.frame(rasterToPoints(wave_Dp)) %>%
pivot_longer(!c(x,y), names_to = "date", values_to = "direction")
url_Ta <- paste0("http://thredds.cdip.ucsd.edu/thredds/ncss/cdip/model/MOP_grids/CA_0.01_forecast.nc?var=waveTa&north=34.75&west=-121&east=-118.4&south=33.55&disableLLSubset=on&disableProjSubset=on&horizStride=1&time_start=", date, "&time_end=", fut_date, "&timeStride=1&addLatLon=true&accept=netcdf")
options(timeout = 10000)
Ta <- download.file(url_Ta, here("wave_data_Ta.nc"))
Ta <- here("wave_data_Ta.nc")
wave_Ta <-brick(Ta)
Ta_data <- as.data.frame(rasterToPoints(wave_Ta)) %>%
pivot_longer(!c(x,y), names_to = "date", values_to = "period")
un_data <- left_join(Hs_data, Dp_data)
full_data <- left_join(un_data, Ta_data) %>%
mutate(date = gsub("X", "", date)) %>%
mutate(date = as.numeric(date))
clean_data <- full_data %>%
mutate(date = as_datetime(date)) %>%
mutate(height = 3.28 * height) %>%
mutate(angle = ((3.14/180)*(direction) + 0.5))
islands <- read_sf(here("_posts", "2021-11-10-cdip-bouy-forecast", "shape", "channel_islands.shp")) %>%
mutate(geometry = st_transform(geometry, crs = 4326)) %>%
filter(!NAME %in% c("Santa Catalina", "San Clemente", "Santa Barbara", "San Nicolas"))
ca <- read_sf(here("_posts", "2021-11-10-cdip-bouy-forecast", "s_11au16", "s_11au16.shp")) %>%
mutate(geometry = st_transform(geometry, crs = 4326)) %>%
filter(NAME == "California") %>%
merged_shapes <- bind_rows(ca, islands)
wind.arrows <- clean_data %>%
filter(x %in% sort(unique(x))[c(T, F, F, F, F, F, F, F,
F, F, F, F, F, F, F)],
y %in% sort(unique(y))[c(T, F, F, F, F, F, F, F,
F, F, F, F, F, F, F)])
a <- ggplot(data = clean_data) +
geom_raster(aes(y=y, x=x,
fill = height, frame = date), interpolate = T) +
geom_spoke(data = wind.arrows, aes(y=y, x=x, angle = angle, radius = scales::rescale(period, c(.02, .15))),
arrow=arrow(length = unit(0.2,"cm"))) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = c("slategray1","skyblue",
"royalblue1", "mediumblue",
"magenta1", "firebrick1", "firebrick3")) +
transition_states(date) +
labs(title = 'Date: {closest_state}', fill = "Swell (ft)",
subtitle =
'Arrow Length Indicates Swell Period & Arrow Direction Indicates Swell Direction') +
theme_classic() +
xlab("Longitude") +
ylab("Latitude") +
geom_sf(data = merged_shapes, color = "black", fill = "grey70") +
coord_sf(xlim = c(-121.01, -118.4), ylim = c(33.55, 34.75), expand = F) +
animate(a, nframes = 40, fps = 5)