Predicting Elk Distribution using Machine Learning

The below code illustrates a few different methods in how one could use machine learning to predict species distribution and how to calibrate/train the models for more accurate predictions.

Jake Eisaguirre
# load packages, installing if missing
if (!require(librarian)){

.libPaths(c(.libPaths(), "/Users/bbest/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.0"))

  raster, dismo, dplyr, DT, ggplot2, here, htmltools, leaflet, mapview, purrr, readr, rgbif, rgdal, rJava, sdmpredictors, sf, spocc, tidyr, geojsonio)
select <- dplyr::select # overwrite raster::select

# set random seed for reproducibility

# directory to store data
dir_data <- here("data/sdm")
dir.create(dir_data, showWarnings = F)
obs_csv <- here("obs.csv")
obs_geo <- here("obs.geojson")

# get species occurrence data from GBIF with coordinates
(res <- spocc::occ(
  query = 'Cervus canadensis', 
  from = 'gbif', has_coords = T,
  limit = 12000))
Searched: gbif
Occurrences - Found: 12,156, Returned: 12,000
Search type: Scientific
  gbif: Cervus canadensis (12000)
# extract data frame from result
df <- res$gbif$data[[1]] 
nrow(df) # number of rows
[1] 12000
# convert to points of observation from lon/lat columns in data frame
obs <- df %>% 
  filter(longitude < 0) %>% #<- North America Only
  select("longitude", "latitude") %>% 
    coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),
    crs = st_crs(4326))

readr::write_csv(df, obs_csv)
geojsonio::geojson_write(obs, obs_geo)
  Path:       myfile.geojson
  From class: geo_list
# show points on map
mapview::mapview(obs, map.types = "Esri.WorldImagery")
dir_env <- here("env")

# set a default data directory
options(sdmpredictors_datadir = dir_env)

# choosing terrestrial
env_datasets <- sdmpredictors::list_datasets(terrestrial = TRUE, marine = FALSE)

# show table of datasets
env_datasets %>% 
  select(dataset_code, description, citation) %>% 
# choose datasets for a vector
env_datasets_vec <- c("WorldClim", "ENVIREM")

# get layers
env_layers <- sdmpredictors::list_layers(env_datasets_vec)
# choose layers after some inspection and perhaps consulting literature
env_layers_vec <- c("WC_alt", "WC_bio1", "WC_bio12", "ER_tri", "ER_thermicityIndex")

# get layers
env_stack <- load_layers(env_layers_vec)

# interactive plot layers, hiding all but first (select others)
#mapview(env_stack, hide = T)
plot(env_stack, nc=2)

obs_hull_geo <- here("obs_hull.geojson")

# make convex hull around points of observation
obs_hull <- sf::st_convex_hull(st_union(obs))

# show points on map
  list(obs, obs_hull))
# save obs hull
write_sf(obs_hull, obs_hull_geo)

obs_hull_sp <- sf::as_Spatial(obs_hull)

env_stack <- raster::mask(env_stack, obs_hull_sp) %>% 

mapview(obs) + 
  mapview(env_stack, hide = T)
absence_geo <- here("absence.geojson")
pts_geo     <- here("pts.geojson")
pts_env_csv <- here("pts_env.csv")

# get raster count of observations
r_obs <- rasterize(
  sf::as_Spatial(obs), env_stack[[1]], field=1, fun='count')

mapview(obs) + 
# create mask for 
r_mask <- mask(env_stack[[1]] > -Inf, r_obs, inverse=T)

absence <- dismo::randomPoints(r_mask, nrow(obs)) %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 
  st_as_sf(coords = c("x", "y"), crs = 4326)

mapview(obs, col.regions = "green") + 
  mapview(absence, col.regions = "gray")
# combine presence and absence into single set of labeled points 
pts <- rbind(
  obs %>% 
      present = 1) %>% 
  absence %>% 
      present = 0)) %>% 
    ID = 1:n()) %>% 
write_sf(pts, pts_geo)

# extract raster values for points
pts_env <- raster::extract(env_stack, as_Spatial(pts), df=TRUE) %>% 
  tibble() %>% 
  # join present and geometry columns to raster value results for points
    pts %>% 
      select(ID, present),
    by = "ID") %>% 
  relocate(present, .after = ID) %>% 
  # extract lon, lat as single columns
    #present = factor(present),
    lon = st_coordinates(geometry)[,1],
    lat = st_coordinates(geometry)[,2]) %>% 

write_csv(pts_env, pts_env_csv)
pts_env %>% 
  select(-ID) %>% 
    present = factor(present)) %>% 
  pivot_longer(-present) %>% 
  ggplot() +
  geom_density(aes(x = value, fill = present)) + 
  scale_fill_manual(values = alpha(c("gray", "green"), 0.5)) +
  scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) +
  scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) +
  theme_bw() + 
  facet_wrap(~name, scales = "free") +
    legend.position = c(1, 0),
    legend.justification = c(1, 0))

pts_env_csv <- here("pts_env.csv")

pts_env <- read_csv(pts_env_csv)
[1] 23778
datatable(pts_env, rownames = F)
  select(pts_env, -ID),
  aes(color = factor(present)))

# setup model data
d <- pts_env %>%
#  # remove terms we don't want to model
  tidyr::drop_na() # drop the rows with NA values
[1] 23735
# fit a linear model
mdl <- lm(present ~ ., data = d)

lm(formula = present ~ ., data = d)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.80576 -0.16523  0.00631  0.17184  0.67036 

                     Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)         2.193e+00  4.321e-02   50.76   <2e-16 ***
ID                 -5.442e-05  2.501e-07 -217.56   <2e-16 ***
WC_alt             -1.139e-04  6.731e-06  -16.92   <2e-16 ***
WC_bio1            -2.618e-02  1.399e-03  -18.72   <2e-16 ***
WC_bio12            6.933e-05  3.906e-06   17.75   <2e-16 ***
ER_tri              5.197e-04  4.431e-05   11.73   <2e-16 ***
ER_thermicityIndex -6.697e-04  5.635e-05  -11.88   <2e-16 ***
lon                -7.547e-03  2.104e-04  -35.87   <2e-16 ***
lat                -3.727e-02  1.034e-03  -36.04   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.2277 on 23726 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.7927,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.7926 
F-statistic: 1.134e+04 on 8 and 23726 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
y_predict <- predict(mdl, d, type="response")
y_true    <- pts_env$present

[1] -0.426508  1.494268
[1] 0 1
# show term plots
termplot(mdl, partial.resid = TRUE, se = TRUE, main = F)

# fit a generalized linear model with a binomial logit link function
mdl <- glm(present ~ ., family = binomial(link="logit"), data = d)

glm(formula = present ~ ., family = binomial(link = "logit"), 
    data = d)

Deviance Residuals: 
     Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max  
-0.03401   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.01937  

                     Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)         1.129e+04  2.102e+04   0.537    0.591
ID                 -9.628e-01  1.786e+00  -0.539    0.590
WC_alt              1.692e-02  1.581e-01   0.107    0.915
WC_bio1             4.455e+00  4.331e+01   0.103    0.918
WC_bio12            3.212e-02  1.225e-01   0.262    0.793
ER_tri             -1.070e-01  1.090e+00  -0.098    0.922
ER_thermicityIndex -1.449e-01  1.610e+00  -0.090    0.928
lon                -1.012e+00  5.835e+00  -0.173    0.862
lat                -3.547e-01  2.250e+01  -0.016    0.987

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 3.2904e+04  on 23734  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 2.8995e-03  on 23726  degrees of freedom
AIC: 18.003

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 25
y_predict <- predict(mdl, d, type="response")

[1] 2.220446e-16 1.000000e+00

# fit a generalized additive model with smooth predictors
mdl <- mgcv::gam(
  formula = present ~ s(WC_alt) + s(WC_bio1) + 
    s(WC_bio12) + s(ER_tri) + s(ER_thermicityIndex) + s(lon) + s(lat), 
  family = binomial, data = d)

Family: binomial 
Link function: logit 

present ~ s(WC_alt) + s(WC_bio1) + s(WC_bio12) + s(ER_tri) + 
    s(ER_thermicityIndex) + s(lon) + s(lat)

Parametric coefficients:
            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept) -0.30271    0.04773  -6.342 2.27e-10 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Approximate significance of smooth terms:
                        edf Ref.df Chi.sq p-value    
s(WC_alt)             8.617  8.951  934.9  <2e-16 ***
s(WC_bio1)            8.990  8.999  259.8  <2e-16 ***
s(WC_bio12)           8.902  8.992  419.2  <2e-16 ***
s(ER_tri)             8.212  8.807 1283.5  <2e-16 ***
s(ER_thermicityIndex) 8.140  8.746  554.8  <2e-16 ***
s(lon)                8.910  8.997  771.6  <2e-16 ***
s(lat)                8.942  8.999  742.2  <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

R-sq.(adj) =   0.61   Deviance explained = 52.6%
UBRE = -0.3374  Scale est. = 1         n = 23735
# show term plots
plot(mdl, scale=0)

# load extra packages
  maptools, sf)

# show version of maxent
This is MaxEnt version 3.4.3 
env_stack <- stack(env_stack)
plot(env_stack, nc=2)

# get presence-only observation points (maxent extracts raster values for you)

obs_sp <- read_sf(here("_posts", "2022-01-19-mlelk", "obs.geojson")) %>% 
  sf::as_Spatial() # maxent prefers sp::SpatialPoints over newer sf::sf class

# fit a maximum entropy model
mdl <- maxent(env_stack, obs_sp)
This is MaxEnt version 3.4.3 
# plot variable contributions per predictor

# plot term plots

# predict
y_predict <- predict(env_stack, mdl) #, ext=ext, progress='')

plot(y_predict, main='Maxent, raw prediction')
data(wrld_simpl, package="maptools")
plot(wrld_simpl, add=TRUE, border='dark grey')

# global knitr chunk options
  warning = FALSE, 
  message = FALSE)

# load packages
  caret,       # m: modeling framework
  dplyr, ggplot2 ,here, readr, 
  pdp,         # X: partial dependence plots
  rpart,       # m: recursive partition modeling
  rpart.plot,  # m: recursive partition plotting
  rsample,     # d: split train/test data
  skimr,       # d: skim summarize data table
  vip)         # X: variable importance

# options
  scipen = 999,
  readr.show_col_types = F)

# graphical theme

# paths
dir_data    <- here("data/sdm")
pts_env_csv <- here("pts_env.csv")

# read data
pts_env <- read_csv(pts_env_csv)
d <- pts_env %>% 
  select(-ID) %>%                   # not used as a predictor x
    present = factor(present)) %>%  # categorical response
  na.omit()                         # drop rows with NA
Table 1: Data summary
Name d
Number of rows 23735
Number of columns 8
Column type frequency:
factor 1
numeric 7
Group variables None

Variable type: factor

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate ordered n_unique top_counts
present 0 1 FALSE 2 0: 11879, 1: 11856

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
WC_alt 0 1 1185.84 928.34 -73.00 332.00 986.00 2010.50 3652.00 ▇▅▃▃▁
WC_bio1 0 1 7.02 5.88 -11.70 2.10 7.20 11.00 23.30 ▁▅▇▆▂
WC_bio12 0 1 754.26 500.13 53.00 436.00 584.00 925.00 4508.00 ▇▂▁▁▁
ER_tri 0 1 50.68 48.22 0.00 9.71 36.24 79.96 321.60 ▇▃▁▁▁
ER_thermicityIndex 0 1 56.95 171.32 -496.75 -77.25 56.00 189.75 519.50 ▁▅▇▆▁
lon 0 1 -108.43 12.91 -144.38 -118.07 -110.38 -101.79 -74.46 ▁▅▇▃▂
lat 0 1 42.57 7.29 27.12 36.62 41.38 46.96 63.62 ▂▇▆▃▁
# create training set with 80% of full data
d_split  <- rsample::initial_split(d, prop = 0.8, strata = "present")
d_train  <- rsample::training(d_split)

# show number of rows present is 0 vs 1

    0     1 
11879 11856 
# run decision stump model
mdl <- rpart(
  present ~ ., data = d_train, 
  control = list(
    cp = 0, minbucket = 5, maxdepth = 1))
n= 18987 

node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob)
      * denotes terminal node

1) root 18987 9484 0 (0.5005003 0.4994997)  
  2) ER_tri< 19.345 7005  995 0 (0.8579586 0.1420414) *
  3) ER_tri>=19.345 11982 3493 1 (0.2915206 0.7084794) *
# plot tree 
par(mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1))

# decision tree with defaults
mdl <- rpart(present ~ ., data = d_train)
n= 18987 

node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob)
      * denotes terminal node

 1) root 18987 9484 0 (0.50050034 0.49949966)  
   2) ER_tri< 19.345 7005  995 0 (0.85795860 0.14204140)  
     4) WC_alt< 1972 6672  735 0 (0.88983813 0.11016187)  
       8) lon>=-120.571 6183  416 0 (0.93271874 0.06728126) *
       9) lon< -120.571 489  170 1 (0.34764826 0.65235174)  
        18) WC_bio1< 8.7 153   18 0 (0.88235294 0.11764706) *
        19) WC_bio1>=8.7 336   35 1 (0.10416667 0.89583333) *
     5) WC_alt>=1972 333   73 1 (0.21921922 0.78078078) *
   3) ER_tri>=19.345 11982 3493 1 (0.29152061 0.70847939)  
     6) lat>=53.19349 880   49 0 (0.94431818 0.05568182) *
     7) lat< 53.19349 11102 2662 1 (0.23977662 0.76022338)  
      14) WC_bio12< 366.5 1197  311 0 (0.74018379 0.25981621) *
      15) WC_bio12>=366.5 9905 1776 1 (0.17930338 0.82069662) *
# plot complexity parameter
# rpart cross validation results
          CP nsplit rel error    xerror        xstd
1 0.52678195      0 1.0000000 1.0165542 0.007263638
2 0.08245466      1 0.4732181 0.4733235 0.006173183
3 0.06062843      2 0.3907634 0.3908688 0.005759082
4 0.01971742      3 0.3301350 0.3335091 0.005413623
5 0.01571067      4 0.3104175 0.3194854 0.005320803
6 0.01233657      5 0.2947069 0.3044074 0.005216949
7 0.01000000      6 0.2823703 0.2875369 0.005095457
# caret cross validation results
mdl_caret <- train(
  present ~ .,
  data       = d_train,
  method     = "rpart",
  trControl  = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10),
  tuneLength = 20)


vip(mdl_caret, num_features = 40, bar = FALSE)

# Construct partial dependence plots
p1 <- partial(mdl_caret, pred.var = "lat") %>% autoplot()
p2 <- partial(mdl_caret, pred.var = "WC_bio12") %>% autoplot()
p3 <- partial(mdl_caret, pred.var = c("lat", "WC_bio1")) %>% 
  plotPartial(levelplot = FALSE, zlab = "yhat", drape = TRUE, 
              colorkey = TRUE, screen = list(z = -20, x = -60))

# Display plots side by side
gridExtra::grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, ncol = 3)

# number of features
n_features <- length(setdiff(names(d_train), "present"))

# fit a default random forest model
mdl_rf <- ranger(present ~ ., data = d_train)

# get out of the box RMSE
(default_rmse <- sqrt(mdl_rf$prediction.error))
[1] 0.238166
# re-run model with impurity-based variable importance
mdl_impurity <- ranger(
  present ~ ., data = d_train,
  importance = "impurity")

# re-run model with permutation-based variable importance
mdl_permutation <- ranger(
  present ~ ., data = d_train,
  importance = "permutation")
p1 <- vip::vip(mdl_impurity, bar = FALSE)
p2 <- vip::vip(mdl_permutation, bar = FALSE)

gridExtra::grid.arrange(p1, p2, nrow = 1)

# global knitr chunk options
  warning = FALSE, 
  message = FALSE)

# load packages
  dismo, # species distribution modeling: maxent(), predict(), evaluate(), 
  dplyr, ggplot2, GGally, here, maptools, readr, 
  raster, readr, rsample, sf,
  usdm)  # uncertainty analysis for species distribution models: vifcor()
select = dplyr::select

# options
  scipen = 999,
  readr.show_col_types = F)

# paths
dir_data      <- here("data/sdm")
pts_geo       <- file.path(dir_data, "pts.geojson")
env_stack_grd <- file.path(dir_data, "env_stack.grd")
mdl_maxv_rds  <- file.path(dir_data, "mdl_maxent_vif.rds")
# create training set with 80% of full data
pts_split  <- rsample::initial_split(
  pts, prop = 0.8, strata = "present")
pts_train  <- rsample::training(pts_split)
pts_test   <- rsample::testing(pts_split)

pts_train_p <- pts_train %>% 
  filter(present == 1) %>% 
pts_train_a <- pts_train %>% 
  filter(present == 0) %>% 
# show pairs plot before multicollinearity reduction with vifcor()

# calculate variance inflation factor per predictor, a metric of multicollinearity between variables
           Variables       VIF
1             WC_alt  2.349291
2            WC_bio1 25.419827
3           WC_bio12  1.780302
4             ER_tri  1.939290
5 ER_thermicityIndex 27.821093
# stepwise reduce predictors, based on a max correlation of 0.7 (max 1)
v <- vifcor(env_stack, th=0.7) 
1 variables from the 5 input variables have collinearity problem: 

After excluding the collinear variables, the linear correlation coefficients ranges between: 
min correlation ( WC_bio12 ~ WC_bio1 ):  0.1792641 
max correlation ( ER_tri ~ WC_alt ):  0.4687603 

---------- VIFs of the remained variables -------- 
  Variables      VIF
1    WC_alt 1.985985
2   WC_bio1 1.163755
3  WC_bio12 1.706309
4    ER_tri 1.875454
# reduce enviromental raster stack by 
env_stack_v <- usdm::exclude(env_stack, v)

# show pairs plot after multicollinearity reduction with vifcor()

# fit a maximum entropy model
mdl_maxv <- maxent(env_stack_v, sf::as_Spatial(pts_train))
This is MaxEnt version 3.4.3 
readr::write_rds(mdl_maxv, here("mdl_maxv_rds"))

mdl_maxv <- read_rds(here("mdl_maxv_rds"))

# plot variable contributions per predictor

# plot term plots

# predict
y_maxv <- predict(env_stack, mdl_maxv) #, ext=ext, progress='')

plot(y_maxv, main='Maxent, raw prediction')
data(wrld_simpl, package="maptools")
plot(wrld_simpl, add=TRUE, border='dark grey')

pts_test_p <- pts_test %>% 
  filter(present == 1) %>% 
pts_test_a <- pts_test %>% 
  filter(present == 0) %>% 

y_maxv <- predict(mdl_maxv, env_stack)

e <- dismo::evaluate(
  p     = pts_test_p,
  a     = pts_test_a, 
  model = mdl_maxv,
  x     = env_stack)
class          : ModelEvaluation 
n presences    : 2372 
n absences     : 2372 
AUC            : 0.8923624 
cor            : 0.6714162 
max TPR+TNR at : 0.6464467 
plot(e, 'ROC')
thr <- threshold(e)[['spec_sens']]
[1] 0.6464467
p_true <- na.omit(raster::extract(y_maxv, pts_test_p) >= thr)
a_true <- na.omit(raster::extract(y_maxv, pts_test_a) < thr)

# (t)rue/(f)alse (p)ositive/(n)egative rates
tpr <- sum(p_true)/length(p_true)
fnr <- sum(!p_true)/length(p_true)
fpr <- sum(!a_true)/length(a_true)
tnr <- sum(a_true)/length(a_true)

  c(tpr, fnr,
    fpr, tnr), 
  nrow=2, dimnames = list(
    c("present_obs", "absent_obs"),
    c("present_pred", "absent_pred")))
            present_pred absent_pred
present_obs   0.90134907   0.2074199
absent_obs    0.09865093   0.7925801
# add point to ROC plot
plot(e, 'ROC')
points(fpr, tpr, pch=23, bg="blue")

plot(y_maxv > thr)
data(wrld_simpl, package="maptools")
plot(wrld_simpl, add=TRUE, border='black')